Where to find Dallas Free Press this week: Sept. 2-9
Behind the Story Clarifies for the public how a story was reported.
Good morning! Here’s what the Dallas Free Press team is working on and where we’ll be this week.
Coming soon from Dallas Free Press
Keri Mitchell spent last week visiting the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Arts Academy and meeting with Forest Forward staff and the AT&T Performing Arts Center education team to learn how several South Dallas students were admitted this fall to Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing Arts. Look for the piece to be published this week.
Sujata Dand spent last week talking to residents in the Ideal neighborhood who are concerned about land that’s zoned for the wrong kind of businesses when building a community. Look for that story as part of our “Who Owns South Dallas?” series this week. Also this week, Sujata will be working with journalism students at Southern Methodist University on a series of stories about all of the new activity happening on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Look for those stories in the coming months.
Catch up on recent content from our reporters, including two West Dallas doctors who spend Saturday mornings walking with neighbors, and a new headstone for the final resting place of Civil Rights icon Juanita Craft.
Dallas Documenters at public meetings
Our Dallas Documenters will cover several public meetings this week:
Sam Judy will document the City Council Economic Development Committee meeting Tuesday, and the City Plan and Zoning Commission meeting Thursday.
Other Documenters will be assigned to the City Council Parks, Trails and the Environment Committee meeting Tuesday, the Park and Recreation Board meeting Thursday, and the Community Development Commission Thursday.
Scan our Documenters’ notes from recent public meetings, including the Dallas Park and Recreation Board and the Environmental Commission.
Dallas Free Press in our neighborhoods
Jeffrey Ruiz will attend the Bertrand Monthly Meeting to connect with South Dallas neighbors and learn about the programs and events that Frazier Revitalization hosts for the community. Jeffrey adds community events and resources like these to the South Dallas events calendar and resource map, as well as the West Dallas events calendar and resource map.
Keri will travel to Chicago later in the week with Jessica Washington of our newsroom partner the Dallas Weekly for the Independent News Sustainability Summit. Dallas Free Press has participated in organizer LION Publishers’ revenue growth fellowship and sustainability audits, and LION profiled our efforts to invest in strategy, structure and operations as a result of this work.
Dallas Free Press was named LION’s 2021 “New Publisher of the Year” as well as a finalist for our partnership with the Weekly and for our text message service, then awarded again in 2023 for our “operational resilience.” Keri also has served as a community ambassador for LION to map the growing digital, local, independent media landscape.
The Dallas Free Press office is closed today, Sept. 2, to observe Labor Day. Wishing all of our neighbors and readers a day of rest and rejuvenation!